Puparazzi Pet Resort and Spa

Opening date: 11/02/2019


1933 Pontius Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Hours of Operation :
No business hours known.

Store opening of Puparazzi Pet Resort and Spa in Los Angeles

Puparazzi Pet Resort and Spa are having their Grand Opening from 12 pm - 4 pm. A lot of games and prizes await the guests and their furry friends. All dogs are welcomed at the celebration.

Puparazzi is a luxurious, wellness-focused, boutique dog resort, and spa which offers a nice experience in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere for every dog. The dog's well-being is the most important thing to the Puparazzi Pet Resort. They have cage-free, soundproof suites with puppy peek cams, a spacious play area and offer à la carte enrichment activities with spa services for every dog. This is a family owned business which work began from the family's love of dogs and because they saw the demand for quality dog care in their neighborhoods. They had a humble beginning and now offer a luxury resort and spa for dogs in LA.

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Reported by editors-te on 10/24/2019


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